Salad Luncheon: July 9, 2018, 12:00 Noon
Program: Nicole Mercer Hopkins
The WMU will have its annual summer luncheon on July 9 at 12:00 noon, in the Fellowship Hall. ALL LADIES OF THE CHURCH ARE INVITED! Mark your calendar, bring a salad or dessert, and join us for this worshipful time of food and fellowship.
Nicole Hopkins, Christian Professional Counselor, will present a program of music and information about her profession and ministry at The Pasture at Mercer Farms. Nicole is one of our own, and we can expect to be inspired and uplifted by her presentation.
For more information, you may call the office at 910-642-2139.
WMU ladies, we voted at our May meeting to pay individually for our subscriptions to Missions Mosaic and use all of our budgeted funds to help with costs of our mission projects. The subscriptions are $22.99 and are due for renewal now. If you would like to continue to receive the monthly magazine, you may make your check payable to FBC and designate it for WMU-Missions Mosaic. You may also take your payment directly to Dinah in the church office.
Thank you!