412 N Madison Street, Whiteville, NC 28472

Deacon Election

September 12th, 2021 — 11:00 am to 12:00 pm


Deacon election will take place during worship this Sunday, September 12.  According to the FBC Bylaws, revised January 27, 2021, voted/approved at church conference, we have changed how deacons are elected. This is the first year we will use the new process, so we are including the voting information concerning deacon election from the Bylaws, Section 5. Deacons, 3.  Election. –

a. The election for deacons shall be held on the second Sunday in September during the morning worship service.  At that time, the membership of the church shall list five (5) names for deacons. Following the counting of the votes the moderator shall talk to each of them and determine their willingness to serve.

For anyone who knows they cannot attend worship service on September 12 for Deacon Election, there will be confidential absentee ballots available in the church office from Tuesday, September 7 – Friday, September 10. All absentee ballots must be in by 12 noon on Friday the 10th. The absentee ballots will be transferred to the Tally Committee on Sunday morning, September 12, so they can be included with the other ballots. Individuals that rotated off last year or those currently serving as deacons are ineligible for your vote. The complete list of ineligible individuals will be on both absentee and regular ballots.